Artist Biography

Harreson, originally from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada began his study of sculpture at the Ottawa School of Art in 1974. Studying under renowned sculptor and mentor Almuth Lutkenhaus inspired a lifetime love affair with the arts. Upon moving to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada he furthered his art career under the mentorship of John Voth, a well-known west-coast artist/sculptor.

In 2002, Harreson and his partner made Whitehorse, Yukon their new home. It was here he helped create a cooperative art gallery, a private art gallery and worked as an art administrator, business manager, curator and participating artist. For seven years he also was a member of a government funding body, the Yukon Arts Advisory Council. In 2008, he was named Yukon Tourism Volunteer of the Year for his work in the Territorial cultural sector, and was one of three Canadian finalists for Tourism Industry Association Canada.  He co-hosted with Al Cushing on CBC a weekly radio show called “Arts Chat” with Sandi Coleman, discussing many topics important to artists.

Harreson says of his works that he finds and unveils the essence of his subject from its coarse clay bonds.  He begins his creative process by researching his subjects, and starts his sculpture only when he feels an intimate bond with their spirit.  His techniques vary according to the materials used.  For ceramic sculptures he uses paper clay, and when the piece is to be bronzed, he creates a Styrofoam mold and applies oil-based clay in preparation for the foundry.