Commissions, Exhibitions & Projects

Public Commissioned Works:

• Masks of fifteen Inuit officials of the newly named Territory of Nunavut: 1999 - 2000

• Bust of RJ Filberg for his philanthropic contributions to the arts in Comox on Vancouver Island: 2000

• Bronze faces of Annie and Joe Henry, installed on the Dempster Highway: 2006

• Fifteen masks in honour of artists, administrators and volunteers for the 20th anniversary of the Great Northern Art Festival at the Aurora college in Inuvik, NT: 2008

• Bust of Chief Isaac in the Tr´ondek Hwech´in Danoja´ Zho

• Bust of legendary Inuit artist Simon Tookoome, Baker Lake: 2012

• Bronze bust of Father William Judge (saint of the Klondike) installed in front of the Dawson City Hospital: 2012

• Bronze faces of four Ross River Dene elders; Truth and Reconciliation Project: 2012

• Public bronze busts installed on Main Street, Whitehorse of authors Jack London and Pierre Berton, artist Ted Harrison, politician/author Martha Black and writer/elder Edith Josie: various years

• In front of the McBride Museum two bronze busts were unveiled in 2021: Erik Nielsen, former deputy Prime Minister of Canada and WW2 fighter pilot George Black, associated with the Centre of Yukon Politics and Law for half a century

• At the Transportation Museum in Whitehorse 2021: Erik Nielsen, former deputy Prime Minister of Canada and WW2 fighter pilot

• Gold Rush Inn, Whitehorse Summer 2024: an unveiling of a bronze bust of Jim Robb - a well known artist, writer, photographer and historian and the publisher of a periodical known as the Colourful 5%

Private Collections:

• Mother Teresa, Ghandi, Sir Winston Churchill, Leonardo DaVinci, Albert Einstein, Geronimo, Musqueam Chief Joe Sparrow, Haida artist Bill Reid, Chief Joseph Nez Perce, Henry Joseph Henry, Josept Sparling


• Artists In Our Midst: 1999-2001; Board of Directors

• Kitsilano Community Centre, Arts Committee: 2000-2001; Chair, Board of Directors

• Yukon Art Society: 2002-2003; Board Member

• Yukon Artists at Work Coop: 2003-2008; Chair, Board of Directors

• Art Space North: 2004-2009; Board Member Visual Arts representative

• Arts Advisory Council, Government of Yukon: 2004-2010

• TIA (Tourism Industry Association): 2010-2011; Vice Chair, responsible for cultural facilities

• Development of “The Culture Cruiser” - a van taking tourists to all the different cultural venues in Whitehorse

• Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, Yukon Department of Education and Air North: 2012-2013; facilitated Art Residency Program

• Currently a board member of the Yukon Artists Relief Fund

• Currently a board member of the Yukon Arts Foundation


• Artist in Our Midst: April 1999 – April 2002

• Vancouver Art Gallery Outdoor Exhibit: July 1999

• BC Festival of the Arts: May 2000

• Langley Art Exhibition: June 2000

• Art For Life: Jun 2000

• Vancouver AIDS Memorial Exhibition: July 2000

• Arts in The Park: 2003-2018

• Yukon Art Centre: By These Hands: 2006

• Yukon Artists @ Work Cooperative Gallery: an artist member from 2009-2011 and again 2013 - 2015

• Great Northern Art Festival, Inuvik: Guest Artist; 2008, 2009

• The Reach Public Gallery & Museum, Abbottsford, BC: June 2009

Yukon Art Residencies:

• Jenni House: 2016, 2019

• Tombstone Park: 2014, 2022

Galleries and Organizations:

• Yukon Artists @ Work Cooperative Gallery: Co-founder and Chair 2002 - 2008: This artist-managed gallery is one of the longest running of its type in Canada, and will be celebrating its 20 year anniversary in 2022

• Co-founder and Curator of the 4,000 SF Copper Moon Gallery 2009-2011

• Co-founder of the Yukon Artist Relief Fund

Covet, A Collectors Event; Yukon Arts Centre, September 2019, Founder, Curator

International Projects:

• Member of a government-selected five Yukon visual artists team, in collaboration with five Siberian Russian Master Artists and five indigenous Siberian Nenets artists in the creation of a 12-foot-high multimedia sculpture, which emphasized the theme of artistic sustainability in the Circumpolar World. This was part of the 2009 Circumpolar Science Year.

• In 2012 facilitated with Judith Varney Burch, the expert on Inuit Art for the Smithsonian Institute, a display of her world-renowned exhibition entitled: Nunavut, Culture on Cloth. This exhibition has appeared in museums and galleries in twenty-eight countries around the world and at the Yukon Arts Centre. Judith has the largest private collection of Inuit art, outside of Canada.

What We See: Visions of Canada's Yukon Past and Present - an exhibition planned by myself and Serena Kovalosky (a curator and arts administrator from upstate New York). Sixteen Yukon artists were selected who represented the depth of the Yukon´s artistic prowess. This was to be a traveling exhibition with museum venues in the United States.

The project started in 2012 and was worked on for 3 years, however the funding at the time was not sufficient to properly cover its full scope. Instead, we collaborated with ACS Magazine of Chicago, Illinois (an online magazine run by GWR Art Gallery) in the production of the November/December 2017 edition. This issue of ACS Magazine was dedicated exclusively to Yukon visual artists. The November/December edition has the distinction of being the most viewed of any edition of the Magazine thus far.


• Tsunami Relief Fundraiser, 2004: art auction co-chair to raise funds for Canadian/Sri Lankan Butterfly Peace Garden, a children’s art peace initiative

• Fundraiser for Artists Living with AIDS, in collaboration with Blood Ties, Four Directions: 2007

• Yukon Artist Relief Fund: co-founder

Healing Through Art a fundraiser held at the Ottawa School of the Arts, 2016. This was an art auction to raise funds for Syrian refuge children in therapeutic art programs in Holland