Erik Nielsen

(this piece will be unveiled in late April 2021)

Erik joined the Royal Canadian Air Force at 18 years of age and flew over 50 sorties in the Lancaster Bombers during World War II. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for “high skill, fortitude and devotion to duty”.

He was a prime example for his fine offensive spirit and imperturbable manner. As devoted as he was to duty, he inspired those around him to do their very best.

Erik graduated from Dalhousie Law School and moved the the Yukon. He was M.P. for the Yukon for 32 years and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada from 1984 - 1986 in the Brian Mulroney government.

He continued to fly throughout his life as a private pilot in the Yukon skies.

Commissioned by Margaret & Rolf Hougen, O. C.

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